Friday, May 14, 2010
Some stories of my life
This ordeal resulted in a criminal conviction of my kidnappers. When I start fighting back and raised hell in that house, I saw the fear in Cyril Vosper's eyes and he said: "I believe we are holding the wrong person." But criminal as he was, he didn't open the door and didn't let me go despite that he got that he can't "deprogram" me. That idiot continued until the police finally came and arrested him and the others.
The other documents in this blog are letters by the FBI or the OIP to me. I got a lot more of these documents but before I find them all again, I need to invest in quite some office space and filing cabinets.
But I decided to web the FBI letters again that I found in one of my boxes that say that the FBI had no investigatory interest in L. Ron Hubbard. This is for those who lie that Ron, the founder of Scientology was criminal.
Police report of me being kidnapped
Police report:
1. The British citizen
Cyril V o s p e r (001)
John M a t h e w s o n (002) and
Douglas R e y n o l d s (003)
a) are accused of having aggrieved Barbara Schwarz unlawfully imprisoned and
b) mishandled her physically (001 and 002)
2. The mother of the aggrieved,
Rosemarie B r e t s c h n e i d e r (004) is accused of having
instigated the offenders.
3. The sister of the aggrieved
(name deleted) (005) and
another unknown female person (006)
are being accused,
of having helped the offenders.
Cause and result of the investigation:
On November 14, 1987, at 11.15 pm, a man (known with name) this police
station that he heard two hours ago screams for help in Steindlgasse.
After that, he showed the police officers the place. It was the
vacation house of family Schleuter, Steindlgasse 10.
Four people were present in the house, the accused Vosper, Mathewson,
Bretschneider and the aggrieved Schwarz. Ms. Schwarz explained that
she was held without her will. According to her information and our
investigation, we found following facts:
Ms. Bretschneider rented the vacation house from November 13, 1987 for
14 days, with intention to separate her daughter from her religious
belief. After a long search she found through Parents' Initiatives the
association "FAIRS" in London/Great Britain, and she made contact with
them. After agreement, Vosper, Mathewson and Reynold traveled from
London to the vacation house on November 13, 1987. Ms. Bretschneider
joined them from Munich on November 14, 1987. The day before, she
carried groceries and stuff for sleeping with help of her other
daughter in the house.
On November 14, 1987, Ms. Bretschneider made an unknown female person
(006) make a fake phone call. In this call, the unknown female faked
that Ms. Bretschneider took a fall during her activity to look for an
rental object and needed her medicine and her pulmo aide (electrical
inhaler). Frau (deleted) offered her sister to drive her to
Herrsching. From the agreed meeting point, the railway station in
Herrsching, Reynolds (003) led the women in the Steindlgasse 10. Frau
(deleted) asked her sister to leave the car and bring the medicine and
electrical inhaler in the house. Subsequently, Ms. (deleted) drove
away, Reynold followed in the house where the other three accused were
waiting for the aggrieved.
Ms. Schwarz was then told what the intention of the others in the
house were: her deprogramming from the religion Scientology, to which
Ms. Schwarz belongs since 1977. After an introduction speech, the injured protested, slammed in a window and called for help, without being heard. As a result, 002 threw her to the floor, sat on her back and covered her nose and mouth with his hand to make her obedient.
After some more six hours of talks, the aggrieved called again for
help after she heard steps outside. As a result, she was again pushed
to the floor, 002 pressed his hands over her nose and mouth. 001
removed her boot and bent her toes in painful way.
003 left briefly after start of the begin of the "treatment" the house
and didn't participate except leading to the house and as watchdog.
Police stepped in and stopped a false imprisonment that was planned
for 10 – 14 days.
Vosper, Mathewson and Ms. Bretschneider were preliminary arrested and
transported to our police station. Ms. Schwarz went to the hospital in Seefeld to get treatment for her cut hands that she suffered from
slamming in the window. After examination of the jail question, Ms.
Bretschneider was released home. Vosper and Mathewson were lead on
November 15, 1987 before an investigating judge in Weilheim.
Arrest warrant was issued against them on November 16, 1987. The
search for Reynold was sofar unsuccessful.
The vacation house is on the property and next to the home of general
practitioner, Dr. Schleuter, in the middle of Herrsching. It has 45
qm. Living room, bathroom and corridor in the first floor and kitchen
and bedroom in the upper floor. The house was prepared for the
"treatment". The two window shutter were secured with locks, curtains
and curtain rods were removed, pictures were removed, the ceiling lamp
was exchanged, electrical outlets were covered with tape, the door
handles to the floor and on the inside of the entrance were removed.
In the bathroom, electrical outlets were covered with tape and the
wall lamp removed. No changes were made in the upper floor as
apparently the living room was chosen to be the "treatment room".
Written papers and tools were found in the house and secured as they
are significant as evidence for the penal case. These subjects are
being mailed to the district attorney together with this report.
Accused 001, 002, 004 and 005 were questioned to person and subject
matter but invoked their right to remain silent. 001 and 002 were
willing to talk but only before the judge.
According to a paper in the secured letters, the "treatment" was given
against a sum of 3000 English Pounds.
District attorney Dr. Leutenbauer was informed per phone. He issued
the arrest warrants and ordered to secure the evidence.
Ms. Schwarz provided a medical attest about the cuts on the hands that
she suffered and filed a penal complaint against Vosper and Mathewson
on charges physical injuries.
Participation of family Schleuter is eliminated.
Not completed are photos, Federal central register and information
about the main offender and their organization. They will be submitted
once received.
Official in charge
(signature A. Meßner)
Senior police inspector
Hospital report after being kidnapped
Administration Union Hospital Seefeld 8031 Seefeld,
Hospital for Surgeries Hauptstr. 23
Chief physician Dr. Karl Häser, MD
Phone 08152/7721
November 12, 1987
Ms. Dr. Sla/züp
To attorneys
Bayerstr. 13
8 Munich 2
Regards: Your letter of November 25, 1987
Patient Barbara S C H W A R Z
Incident November 11, 1987
Dear attorneys,
we want to provide you with following medical report.
I. Medical history:
Ms. Schwarz entered our out patient clinic on November 15, 1987, at 2 am in the morning. She was admitted by three paramedics, who brought her from the police station in Herrsching in a medical ambulance car. She reported that she was kidnapped the day before, on November 14, 1987 around 1 pm by three men and that she was asked my her sister, after they received a distress phone call, to deliver an emergency Asthma medication to her mother in a house in Herrsching, because the mother allegedly was looking for a place to rent. According to her sister, the mother suffered a severe Asthma attack.
After Ms. Schwarz entered the house with the Asthma medication, she was jailed by three men from England and kept in the house. The men told her that they want to "deprogram" Ms. Schwarz from her religion. The patient tried to get the neighbors attention by screaming and slammed with her hands in the windows. She injured herself but was not allowed, despite urgent requests, to see a doctor to let him surgically attend those injuries.
After she was finally freed, she came from the police station to us for medical treatment.
II. Clinical diagnosis
Bewildered, exhausted patient, in emotional stressed mood.
Little right finger:
Old cut wounds, approximately one centimeter long, 0.5 cm deep, over the middle joint dorsal, as well as over the left heel of hand, ulnar.
III. Diagnosis:
1. Emotional shock
2. Old cut wounds on right and left hand
IV. Therapy:
1. Talk about the situation
2. Disinfection of the wounds, Polvidon-Iodine
-salve bandage, tetanus simultane injection
V. Estimated healing period:
Unfortunately, when cut wounds aren't immediately surgically attended, it must be counted with a delayed secondary healing time. Based on this, gross scars may remain.
In regards to the emotional exceptional situation, that Ms. Schwarz lived through and the life threatening remarks of the three men, is it good possible that Ms. Schwarz will developed for a prolonged time incident related anxieties, which might need long time psychotherapy.
(Signature) (Signature)
Dr. Slavin (MD) Dr. Häser (MD
Assisting physician chief physician
Another doctor's report about me being kidnapped - they contradicted themselves as to how long I need to recover
Physician for surgery, accident surgery
Head physician of the surgery ward of
the Riefler Clinic in Munich, Germany
Dr. med W. Kühnemann, Helene-Mayer-Ring 14, 8000 Munich 40, December 3, 1987
Bayerstr. 13
8000 Munich 2
Schwarz Barbara, residing in Arnulfstrasse 140, 8000 Munich 19
employed as advisor of publishing house Meister Verlag
Dear Mr. Blumel,
Ms. Barbara Schwarz entered on November 20, 1987 in my clinic,
informed that she was kidnapped and suffered an injured right, and
left hand. The day of the incident was November 14, 1987 at 12 pm. The
first treatment was provided by the hospital Seefeld.
My findings of the first examination:
Credible information by the patient, condition of a severe shock,
blood pressure 90/60 mmhg, cut wounds on 4th and 5th finger, right,
broad gash in left palm. Grazes on palm and left and back of right
hand. Bruised right upper arm and toes with definitive painful
limitation of movement of hands, especially the fingers. The fingers
were overstretched. The fist closure and stretch is restricted.
Furthermore, there are pressure pains and bruise marks in the area of
the upper breast vertebrae column with painful head turning
restriction. There is an immediate connection between the attack and
the injuries.
The injuries are considered medium severe. There is a reduction in
earning capacity
of a 100 % from 15. November – 10. December 1987
30% from 11. December – 15. January 1987
20% from 25. December - 15. January 1988
Beyond that, no permanent damage will remain.
With kind regards,
Dr. W. Kühnemann, MD
Background information about "deprogramming".
"Deprogramming" is the word that kidnappers created who want to earn
big money by stealing the religion of people. "Deprogamming" is
actually de-religionization. I am not programmed, I never was. Being a
Scientologist is my own free will and nothing ever happened to me in
Scientology that would "deprogram" something in my mind. I studied
Scientology like students in universities do. If that is programming,
any student is programmed!
Rosemarie Bretschneider told me that German Wilhelm Friedrich Haack
was the first who told her of "deprogramming". Haack attacked L. Ron
Hubbard in German publication fanatically and completely unqualified
even before the Dianetics book was published. She informed me that she
was not the instigator but that Ingo Heinemann, of the German AGPF, an
psychiatric oriented association for the persecution of religions, a
friend of pro eugenics Tilman Hausherr, set her up with psychologist
Dieter Rohmann to find "deprogrammers" and this is how she was
connected with kidnappers Vosper and Mathewson. I saw with my own eyes
that Heinemann attended an "deprogramming"-event in former German
capital Bonn. This event was held to introduce "deprogramming"
(de-religionisation) to Germany and to allow these kind of
kidnappings/abuse/injuries without that the inhumanities and abuse
that I suffered, would be persecuted in Germany.
This is psych Dieter Rohmann's anti-religious website.
Vosper told me during being kidnapped by him that he "deprogrammed"
(de-religion zed) 300 people! He was arrested several times. He
should have been locked away for good.
My kidnapper and abuser John Mathewson told me during the pain he
cause me, that he had a leading role worked for anti-religious
"resolutions" of the European Parliament.
Judgment on my kidnappers
are still hurting. He wasn't a Scientologist but a former infiltrator and the German court gave my kidnappers and abusers really lenient sentences because I am just a Scientologist and have as good as no rights in Germany. German Tilman Hausherr laughed about the lenient sentences and indicated that kidnappers of non-Scientologists would get a much stiffer penalties in Germany.
Barbara Schwarz
Cyril Vosper - Criminal Conviction
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Judgement documented on 03 Feb 1988 Judgement
has been legally binding and
Office of the District Court "Amtsgericht"
enforceable since 2? Dec. 1987.
Weilheim i. OB
Weilheim i. OB, 3 Feb 1988
The document officer
Officer of the District Court
The document officer
Clerk of the Court
Clerk of the Court
by the Court of Lay Assessors at the District Court "Amtsgericht"
Weilheim in Upper Bavaria
In the criminal case against
Mathewson John Richmond
Vosper Cyril Ronald
as a result of attempted aggravated deprivation of liberty etc.
On the basis of the main proceedings of 29 December 1987 with the
following participants:
1. Judge Dr. Wanner President
2. a) Fischer Elisabeth
b) Halbritter Leni Lay
2. Public Prosecutor Ramm Officer of the
Director of Public Prosecutions
3. a) Solicitor Bockhorni f. Mathewson Defence
b) Solicitor Kraus f. Vosper Defence
4. Judicial employee Schomach Document officer
of the District Court office
1. The accused
Cyril Ronald Vosper, date of birth 07.06.1935, place of birth
Hounslow, married, British citizen,
of [address deleted], technical author; parents [deleted]
2. The accused
John Richmond Mathewson, date of birth 07.02.1962, place of birth
Elgin, British citizen,single,
present abode [deleted], cult counsellor; parents [deleted].
are guilty
of joint deprivation of liberty legally concurring with jointly
causing bodily harm.
Therefore the accused Vosper is given
a prison sentence of 3 months.
Therefore the accused Mathewson is given
a prison sentence of 3 months.
In each case, the accused are released on probation.
Costs of the proceedings are to be borne by the accused.
Regulation applying: 239 1, 223 1, 25 II of the Penal Code StGB,
(abbreviated according to 267 para 4. of the Code of Criminal
Procedure StPO)
1. The accused Cyril Vosper works as a technical author and
scientologist (sic). He is self-employed. His monthly net income is
approx. 1,200 British pounds. He is married, with three children aged
25, 23 and 21. He is providing financial support for his youngest son
aged 21. His other children are independent. Previously, the accused
Vosper has not made an appearance under the criminal law.
2. The accused John Mathewson works as a cult adviser. He achieved the
degree of Master of Philosophy at a British university. Immediately
after graduation he turned to cult advising. At present he lives off
unemployment money. The accused is single, has no obligations in
respect of dependants and previously has not made an appearance under
the criminal law.
On 14.11.1987 towards 13.00 hours the accused, in conscious and
intended collaboration with the person Douglas Reynolds who is being
prosecuted elsewhere, at the instigation of [deleted] who is being
prosecuted elsewhere, lured [deleted]'s daughter, [deleted], a member
of the religious society Scientology Church, from her apartment at
[deleted], to an outbuilding/annexe of the property of Dr. Schleuter
at [deleted], using a sham telephone call. In the telephone
conversation by a so far unknown woman,[deleted] was deluded into
believing that her mother had suffered a fall and was in urgent need
of an inhalation apparatus and the respective medication.
The accused and Reynolds, who is being prosecuted elsewhere,
subsequently imprisoned [deleted] against her express wishes, in the
property, in order to lead her away from her belief by using physical
and psychic force. A period of up to three days was envisaged for
carrying out deprogramming. For this purpose,[deleted], who is being
prosecuted elsewhere, had rented the building and paid 4000.00 DM to
the accused as well as to Reynolds who is being prosecuted elsewhere.
In addition, the accused and Reynolds had barred the window shutters
in the living room of the building with padlocks; had removed the
curtains, curtain rails and pictures on the wall; covered up the
ceiling light and removed door handles. And in the bathroom, they
taped over the power point and removed the wall light. During an
attempt to escape, which was stopped by force by the accused
Mathewson, [deleted] broke a window pane whereby she suffered
"haemorrhaging injuries" on her hands. After Reynolds, who is being
prosecuted elsewhere, had left towards 15.00 hours, the accused
started with deprogramming, by showering [deleted] with doctrinal
theses and opinions. When [deleted] called out for help towards 20.00
hours, the accused threw her to the ground and held her mouth closed.
Due to notification to the police by a passer-by [deleted] was however
freed by the police towards 23.30 hours on 14.11.1987.
Because of the action of the accused, [deleted] suffered blood
effusions on her right upper arm and severe shock.
Prosecution occurred in the proper format and within the prescribed
Through this action, the accused are guilty of joint deprivation of
liberty legally concurring with jointly causing bodily harm according
to 239,223,25 II of the Penal Code.
In the charge statement of 21.12.1987, the accused were also charged
with having envisaged a period of 14 days for deprogramming. As far as
an attempted crime of aggravated deprivation of liberty is concerned,
a fictitious partial 'Not guilty' had to emanate from real reasons.
The main hearing did not produce the required conviction that the
accused had committed and were guilty of committing the offence. The
accused denied having planned and intended the duration of deprivation
of liberty to extend for more than one week. They both maintained that
"deprogramming" against the wish of the person who was to be
deprogrammed would at the most be carried out for up to three days,
whereby any further deprogramming would be called off at the time when
it was realised that it would not promise success. Otherwise, i.e.
with good chances of success, the person to be deprogrammed would be
in agreement with continuing deprogramming. In spite of certain
misgivings as to the veracity of this argument, in particular because
the building in question was rented for two weeks, the accused were
not rebutted. Altogether, therefore, this resulted in the accusation
of aggravated deprivation of liberty being untenable.
In regard to handing out the sentences, the fact that both accused had
not previously made an appearance under the criminal law, was in their
favour. It also counted in their favour that they admitted, openly and
without digressions, to the matters of which they were accused, as far
as they could admit them. It was further evaluated in their favour
that they, from their subjective view, committed the offence in order
to help the mother of [deleted]. It counted in John Mathewson's favour
that this offence was undisputedly his first attempt at being active
in the area of deprogramming.
Unfavourable for both accused was the fact that they proceeded with
great sophistication. In this they abused the particular relationship
of trust between mother and daughter, in order to carry out their
deed. The fact that [deleted] sustained considerable injuries also
counted against the accused.
When weighing all relevant circumstances for and against the accused,
it seems adequate on the one hand, but appropriate on the other hand,
to impose a short-term prison sentence of 5 months upon the accused
Vosper. A short-term prison sentence of 3 months for the accused John
Mathewson seemed appropriate in regard to guilt and deed. the
imposition of short-term prison sentences was indicated from the point
of view of general preventative and special preventative reasons.
Serving the sentences on probation was made possible because the
social prognosis of the accused are favourable.
The decision regarding costs is based on 464, 465 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure.
Dr. Wanner
Legal C of S doc registration
For reference, regarding my time as President of the Church of Scientology,
From the official register for associations:
20 January 1983
Chairman: Barbara Schwarz
[profession] Munich
Stettler, Jürg is no longer chairman
Schwarz, Barbara has been voted for chairman
3 August 1983
President: Schwarz, Barbara, administrator, Munich
Assistant President: Stoffel, Maria, secretary, Munich
Treasurer: Zopf, Elmar, administrative assistant, Munich
The General Meeting from 26 April 1983 has decided the renewal of the
statutes and articles:
The association will be represented legally and out-of-court by the
President or through the other Board members.
The existent Board ceases its functions.
Schwarz, Barbara, Stoffel, Maria and Zopf, Elmar have been elected for
Members of the Board with mentioned functions.
10 July 1984
President: Bloebaum, Helmuth, Legal Advisor, Munich
Schwarz, Barbara is no longer Member of the Board.
Bloebaum, Helmuth has been elected for President.
FBI Field Office Sacramento
FBI Field Office Milwaukee
The records that I generally received from some FBI offices on L. Ron Hubbard didn't say that he is criminal - rather that he needs to be protected.
FBI Field Office Pittsburgh
FBI Field Office Oklahoma City
FBI Field Office Phoenix
FBI Field Office Miami
FBI Field Office Knoxville
FBI Field Office Portland